We are the fire, we are the motion
We who inspire stirring devotion
May our way be strong, may our paths be true
As we all belong and know what to do
Awaken your hearts, let go of all strife
With magical arts to the joy of life
Accomplish your goals, make fervor your way
Develop your roles, improve every day
Expand with your mind, take steps to begin
Be loving and kind, find balance within
As long as we live and our minds are free
We always should give at every degree
That fire inside is what makes us grow
The more it does guide, the more we will know
For we are the flame, the wind in the sail
The Knight and the Dame, in sunshine or gale
Inflame thee, advance, be brave and bear up
So every raised lance will find its sweet cup
© Lita-Luise Chappell
Written in July of 2015 for the O.T.O. Notocon X Closing Remarks speech
Originally published in “Fire of Motion: Proceedings of the Tenth Biennial National Ordo Templi Orientis Conference”
You can read more of Lita’s poems and purchase her poetry books here.