May 18th & 19th in Garden Grove, CA: Golden Lotus Lodge is pleased to announce once again an annual series of presentations by local and surrounding members of the OTO. This year, the Discourses will be presented on Saturday and Sunday, May 18th & 19th. Make sure to save these dates and stay tuned for the list of presenters and pre-registration information.
The theme this year is “Babalon and the Beast”. Lita-Luise Chappell will be presenting “The Faces of Babalon and the Beast”, showing interpretations of these two iconic archetypes from their earliest to their most modern representations. Others will be putting forth their works with such topics as how these archetypes apply to personal work and work in the society of Thelemites, and how these motifs have evolved from roles of caution to god forms of self-empowerment and personal esteem. Click here for more details.