New 5-Star Review for Sticks and Balls

“A Word Nerd’s (wet?) dream come true.” – Review by John George – This is a very “thick” book, and that’s a good thing. It discusses the overlap between sports & sexuality, from the standpoint of the double entendre of sports terminology. It is very exhaustive, both for the sports covered, and of course the terminology peculiar to each sport. Read more

A Poem in Three Parts: California

“In September my husband Vere and I rented an RV and took a two-week trip around California. We went up the backside of the Sierras, crossed over and then came down the California coast. There were some places where the summer fires still burned, the smoke turned the sky dark, and some roads were closed due to the fires. Despite that, it was a good trip…” Read more

5 Star Review for Hiding In Paradise

“A solid adventure tale with a strong female lead, and as much of a love story as it is a tale of independence, Hiding in Paradise was just the book I needed to take me out of my own head for a while, to let go of my worries, and let someone else do the heavy lifting while I tagged along for a most enjoyable ride.” Read more

5 Star Review for The Thelemic Cookbook

“Lita-Luise Chappell’s lifetime of experiences as a chef, world traveler and priestess have coalesced into this great work, which provides in its pages not only a bevy of tempting courses to “eat and to drink”, but also, if one looks deeper at the possibilities, a simple formula by which one can fortify themselves thereby, and infuse their cooking with both love under will and intention.” Read more

Exciting book publication updates!

The Blythewood Curse will be out any day now! We don’t have an exact date yet, but the release of Lita’s latest novel is imminent! This is an occult mystery about Celtic Druids and witchcraft set in 1890, northern England. The Town with the Feather Crest, a long illustrated poem… Read more

The Pilgrimage

Traveling to sacred sites in search of theological confirmation can bring on a great anticipation of expected authenticity. So it was for nineteen O.T.O. pilgrims going to Egypt for April 8th, 9th, and 10th of 2004, to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the writing of the The Book of the Law, and our new Aeon. Read more