What of Love?
What opens the way to captivation?
What unlocks the path toward toleration?
What produces more for fascination?
What advances drive in motivation?
What builds up a strength for validation?
What fosters sweet thoughts for exploration?
What creates a way for expectation?
What builds its way into transformation?
What renders appeal for integration?
What can guide one’s thoughts with inspiration?
What crafts its way to realization?
What lifts up the soul in aspiration?
What attracts two hearts in combination?
What causes great joy toward exaltation?
What compels a pair for habitation?
What makes the heart swell with jubilation?
What constitutes thrill in stimulation?
What surges the pulse with elevation?
What increases lust toward fornication?
What draws two to make a declaration?
What promise draws all in congregation?
What makes two announce in proclamation?
And, seals the deal with firm affirmation?
You can read more of Lita’s poems and purchase her poetry books here.